
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2023
  Terms of Service  Welcome to Super Ball, an exciting strategy game developed by Salagarigames. These Terms of Service constitute a legal agreement between you and Salagarigames that governs your use of the Super Ball game. By playing Super Ball, you agree to comply with these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you should not use the game. 1. Use of the Game 1.1. Super Ball is a strategy game designed for the entertainment of all ages. You agree to use the game lawfully and in accordance with these Terms of Service. 1.2. You shall not use Super Ball in a manner that may interfere with the enjoyment of other users or harm the gaming experience of others. 1.3. You shall not use any cheats, exploits, hacks, or unauthorized third-party software to gain unfair advantages in the game. 2. Game Content 2.1. Salagarigames retains all intellectual property rights related to Super Ball. You are not permitted to copy, modify, distribute, or create derivative works based on t
Privacy Policy Welcome to Super Ball, an exciting strategy game developed by Salagarigames. At Salagarigames, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and ensuring they have a safe and enjoyable experience while playing Super Ball. This Privacy Policy aims to explain how we collect, use, and protect personal information in relation to our game. 1. Information Collected In Super Ball, we do not collect or store personally identifiable information from our users. We do not collect data such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, or other sensitive personal information. 2. Use of Information As a wholesome, non-advertising strategy game, we do not use any personal information of users. We do not share information with third parties or track user activity outside the game. 3. Cookies and Browsing Data Super Ball does not use cookies or collect browsing data from users. We do not track online activity of players or collect information related to internet browsing. 4. Secur